Regulations for Manuscript Submission and Publication | > POLICY > Regulations for Manuscript Submission and Publication |

Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of these Regulations is to prescribe matters relating to the submission and publication of manuscripts for the Journal of Symbols & Sandplay Therapy of the Korean Society for Sandplay Therapy. <Newly inserted Aug. 16, 2022, Sept. 7, 2022>
Article 2 (Author eligibility)
Only members of the Korean Society for Sandplay Therapy who have paid their annual membership dues shall be eligible to submit manuscripts. <Amended Aug. 16, 2022>
Article 3 (Field of research)
Manuscripts submitted to the Korean Society for Sandplay Therapy shall be limited to research on Sandplay therapy and related theories (analytical psychology, interpretation of symbols, folklore studies, religious studies, human development studies, etc.), and empirical and theoretical research papers, reviews, case studies, and other materials on child psychotherapy including, but not limited to, play therapy. <Amended Aug. 16, 2022>
Article 4 (Author ethics)
The Editorial Board and Research Ethics Committee for the Journal of Symbols & Sandplay Therapy of the Korean Society for Sandplay Therapy prescribe ① any forgery, falsification, plagiarism, duplicate submission, or duplicate publication that occurs during research planning, execution, review, and reporting of results, ② any omission in the reporting of conflict of interest, ③ any research ethics violation concerning a co-author who is in a special relationship with the researcher, ④ any observations of bias in values including gender, race, etc., as research misconduct, and may, in cases that fall under ①, ②, ③, or ④, take action to withdraw relevant manuscripts from the Journal and/or prohibit submission. <Amended Apr. 24, 2022, Sept. 7, 2022>
Article 5 (IRB approval)
Authors are encouraged to seek IRB (Institutional Review Board) approval for research on human subjects, and any applicable IRB approval code shall be listed.
Article 6 (Manuscript similarity checks)
Authors shall attach a detailed report of a manuscript plagiarism prevention test (such as the KCI manuscript similarity checking service, etc.) at the time of manuscript submission. For manuscripts with similarity levels of 15% or higher, the Research Ethics Committee shall carry out a separate deliberation.
Article 7 (Copyright)
All copyrights of published manuscripts belong to the Korean Society for Sandplay Therapy. <Amended Feb. 15, 2021, Sept. 7, 2022>
Article 8 (Editing and submission guidelines)
① Manuscripts shall be drafted in Korean or English on the Hancom Office Word Processor versions 97 or higher or MS Word and submitted by e-mail ( or the e-submission system (
② For joint research involving two or more researchers, the name of the first author (chief researcher) shall be listed on top, followed by the names of co-researchers. The researchers’ affiliations shall be listed in order in a footnote, with the e-mail address of each corresponding author provided in parentheses.
③ As a general rule, manuscripts shall not exceed fifteen(15) A4-size page documents, including summaries, figures, illustrations, tables, references, and an English abstract, and shall follow the editorial guidelines prescribed by the Korean Society for Sandplay Therapy. However, when necessary, manuscripts may have up to an additional fifteen(15) A4-size pages on top of the prescribed length, which shall require payment of an extra publication fee.
④ Authors shall download and complete the Manuscript Submission Request, Statement of Research Ethics Standards Compliance, Certificate of Completion for Research Ethics Training, and Copyright Transfer Agreement (signed and converted into PDF format) and submit all documents to the Editorial Office via e-mail (
⑤ Manuscript review and publication fees shall be wired to a designated deposit account. <Amended Aug. 16, 2022, Nov. 1, 2022>
⑥ As a general rule, submitted manuscripts shall not be returned.
⑦ Ten printouts shall be provided free of charge for each published manuscript, with any additional printouts provided with a charge.
Article 9 (Manuscript submission and publication timeline)
Manuscript submissions shall be received on a rolling basis, with deadlines set on January 31, May 31, and September 30. The Journal shall be published in Korean and English every year on April 30, August 31, and December 31. <Amended Jan. 12, 2023>
Article 10 (Manuscript review and publication fees)
① The submissions of a manuscript and peer-review process are 70,000 KRW. Any secondary reviews shall require a payment of 20,000 KRW per reviewer.
② If publication is approved or publication is possible after revision, the author must deposit a publication fee of 400,000 KRW based on 15 pages of A4. For manuscripts with additional pages, a publication fee of 20,000 KRW for the Korean version and 30,000 KRW for the English version will be added per page. <Amended Aug. 16, 2022, Jan. 12, 2023>
③ For manuscripts completed with a research grant, a description of the grant shall be printed on the bottom of the first page of the manuscript, and the author shall pay an extra 100,000 KRW in addition to the publication fee.
④ One (1) A4-size page color printing for sandpicture photos is included in the basic publication fee. For additional color printing, the author shall pay extra printing fees.
⑤ The translation fee for English publication shall be 150,000 KRW, with any additional translation fees paid by the Korean Society for Sandplay Therapy. <Newly inserted Jan. 12, 2023>
⑥ Any other fees not mentioned in the above Items shall be paid by the Korean Society for Sandplay Therapy. <Newly inserted Jan. 12, 2023>
This amendment is effective from January 2, 2020.
This amendment is effective from February 15, 2021.
This amendment is effective from April 24, 2021.
This amendment is effective from September 1, 2022.
This amendment is effective from September 7, 2022.
This amendment is effective from November 1, 2022.
This amendment is effective from January 12, 2023.