1Lead author, Doctoral Course Student, Literature and Arts Psychotherapy, Konkuk University 2Corresponding author, Professor, Literature and Arts Psychotherapy, Konkuk University
눈사람: 자기(Self)실현과 대극합일의 상징
마경희1, 신지현2
1주저자, 건국대학교 문학․예술심리치료학과 박사과정 2교신저자, 건국대학교 문학․예술심리치료학과 교수
Received: May 31, 2023 Revised: July 17, 2023 Accepted: August 11, 2023
This literature review delves into the symbolic aspects associated with snowman. The study examines the symbolism connected to both the process of constructing snowman and the eventual melting of snow. Furthermore, it explores how snowman can be seen as representations of life's patterns and natural processes. Particularly, the analysis scrutinizes snowman as integrative symbols within a broader dramatic context. The research also reveals how the cyclical processes of nature parallel the concept of individualization, leading to self-understanding and Self-realization. Through a comprehensive analysis of existing literature, this study investigates the symbolism of snowman, shedding light on their relevance in enhancing our understanding of human nature.